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If you’re a good little worker bee, you’ve been gathering some kind of praise from your past and existing clients (hooray!). Maybe you’ve created a simple feedback form (which is a great idea, by the way) or you’ve been asking your clients for some informal feedback over email.

Super. Smart.

But there’s the problem—the feedback comes it all disorganized and big-paragraph chunky. But you’re so excited that your client said nice things that you just go ahead and throw it up on your website.

This makes me want to cry.

You have to edit your testimonials before you publish them, my friend. Here’s why:

My five-step process for editing testimonials.

1. Find the best one-three points your client has made about you and your business.

Cut everything else. It’s the only way to make sure your reader doesn’t get bored, and keeps reading about how awesome you are.

A three-sentence testimonial can be much more powerful than a 300-word testimonial, even if every single one of those 300 words is flattering. That’s because of the ramble factor.

2. Start with the best part.

Get right to the good stuff. I find folks often work their way up to the best, most impactful details. But when you display the testimonial on your website, you want to start with the best part. In fact, most of the leading-up stuff can usually go. Don’t be afraid to rearrange the order in which your client’s praise unfolds.

3. Massage for clarity

Once you’ve edited the testimonial down, you may need to add in a few transitions for clarity. You might need to change the verb tense in a sentence in order to make it flow. You might even want to rephrase a few things. You will probably also need to change the point-of-view (from “You were amazing!” to “Sarah was amazing!”).

Don’t worry, you are going to show your client before you publish it.

4. Clean up that wacky punctuation.

I’m talking about ellipses (should only be three “…”), multiple exclamation marks, incorrect spelling and random capitalization.

When in doubt, play it safe and straight.

The enthusiasm will still come though, but without you and your website looking amateur. Trust me on this!

5. If necessary, send it back to your client.

All you need is a quick, “Hey, I was hoping to put this up on my site. Do you think it accurately reflects your experience with me?” and paste in the copy. Easy as pie. 99% of the time there will be no issues.


I made up this testimonial based on extensive experience reading poorly edited (unedited?) testimonials.

Original testimonial:

Wow!!!! You are such a kind, caring soul and I loved working with you! I loved the way you welcomed me into your program with a special care package. I have never received anything like that, at least not with so many usable perks. I wasn’t sure originally if you totally would get where I was coming from in terms of all the multitude of ideas I have and sometimes struggle to keep organized in my business. You taught me that despite the initial difficulty of setting them up, systems are really essential for productivity in business and life, especially while being a parent. Because of your advice, I implemented systems and processes that increased my productivity multifold. In the past six months since finishing your program I have been on quite a journey growing my business to six figures………I also got invited to speak at the rodeo, which was full of my ideal clients!!! I’ve also learned how to find and connect with my clients online. Your coaching helped me see things in an entirely new way, giving me a newfound love and passion for my business and my life. Without you and your calls I would still be biting my nails and trying to decide if I should give it all up and go back to school. You taught me that there’s always a way to turn it out, and helped me do it. I would definitely recommend you to any stressed out and confused business owner looking to refine their vision and make it a reality.

– Leanne, successful founder of Three Hot Tamales, Austin, Texas

That was painful to write. Do you see how impossible to read that is? Did you even read it? No, no, I don’t blame you. Moving on.

Edited testimonial:

Sarah helped me see my business in an entirely new way, renewing my passion for my business and my life. Without her intervention I would still be biting my nails and trying to decide if I should give it all up and go back to school. Sarah taught me that there’s always a way to turn it around, and helped me do it!

Since working with Sarah I have grown my business to six figures, landed high-profile speaking gigs, and learned how to find and connect with clients online. Because of Sarah’s advice, I also implemented systems and processes that increased my productivity multifold.

I would definitely recommend Sarah to any stressed-out and confused business owner looking to refine their vision and make it a reality.

– Leanne,  founder of Three Hot Tamales, Austin, Texas

Right? Easier for your prospects to read—and easier for you to get your message across.

This is clearly an example of something you’ll definitely want to run by your client. But most likely, they’ll be happy to see that you’ve found a way to make the most of it.

Now, don’t let this exercise slide onto your to-do list. Pull up an existing testimonial RIGHT NOW and follow my steps to make it all pretty and bright.

I’d love it if you reported back with your results!