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My special six revision tricks

A fellow business owner and coach asked me the sweetest question the other day. As an experienced writer, do my words flow just as I want them to on the first try? The answer was no—heck no! Revision is one of the secrets to great writing. I’m a big advocate of...

Your writing voice, and how to find it

In the lead-up to last weekend’s Virtual Writing Retreat for Entrepreneurs (which went swimmingly, by the way!), I asked participants to tell me about their writing struggles. Voice was one of the subjects that came up the most. These entrepreneurs found it...

Seven non-sleazy headlines I can’t help but click

Good headlines do a lot of heavy lifting for you and your business—and they do it fast. How long do you spend pondering a headline? Seconds? Less than a second? These speed-of-light decisions spring from our deepest human desires and impulses. We’re social...

The best writing happens when you aren’t writing

I started writing this blog post on a fast boat to Bali, ocean waves swelling and rolling out the window, sharing a pair of headphones with my guy. Lake Street Drive on the iPod. No computer. No notebook. Just Rachael Price’s soulful voice, and my thoughts. I...